Introducing Lumina Vallis! 
As sole "owner," caretaker, and often, occupant, of the Sun Spot Motel, Lumina spends most of their time on the property. They nevertheless maintain a sunny demeanor, which seems to charm and unnerve clients in equal measure. They smile a little too wide, their fangs are a little too sharp.
The Sun Spot Motel
- A pale flamingo pink sprawling monstrosity of a two floor motel surrounded by a towering chain link fence, topped with razor wire.
- A clear, glimmering pool sits out front, Lumina's pride and joy. They have tried twice to introduce exotic fish and have failed, twice. There is, however, one resident frog. This frog may or may not have seen too many bloated corpses to count in its time.
- The entire property is pristine, showing few signs of age or use. At night, perceptive motel clients can see the fence glowing through their windows, a sign of powerful spellwork.
- Skin is a medium-pale grey.
- Straight black knee-length hair with v-shaped bangs. The sides of their head are messily shaved.
- Large, downturned pointed ears with a couple simple piercings on each side.
- Strong dark brows frame gentle, watery black eyes not unlike those of a plush animal.
- Thin lips cover gleaming white fangs.
- Nose is straight and hooked.
- Body is lanky and awkward.
- Usually wearing some variation on a loose tank top and cargo shorts combination. On sunny days they add an oversize sunhat or carry a pagoda-style parasol to minimize burns, which can be particularly severe for vampires.
- Their footwear of choice is a large pair of worn-out sports shoes with slouching long socks, or colorful flip-flops.
- Around their neck is a long dog tag chain, the dog tags having been replaced with a tree-shaped air freshener that smells like pina coladas.
- They keep all their motel keys on a wallet chain.

Quick Facts
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 21 (?)
Height: 6'1"
Species: vampire
Occupation: motel owner
Fave color: orange
Nickname: Lu
Theme song: